URDINESH: April 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Automated UI Testing Using WatiN

Automated UI Testing Using WatiN

About WatiN:

·         WatiN stands for Web Application Testing In .NET.
·         With WatiN you can open a browser (IE or FireFox) and open a specific website in it by code and interact will all the (html) elements on the page.
·         WatiN aims to bring you an easy way to automate your tests.

Steps to be followed:

1.      Download WatiN 2.1 from  any website 
2.      Extract the zip file.
3.      Create a new “test project”  and add a reference to the following dll file according to the DotNet framework versions you are using
a.      If you are using DotNet framework 4.0, then use the WatiN.core.dllunder bin\net40 folder.
b.      If you are using DotNet framework 3.5, then use the WatiN.core.dll under bin\net35 folder.
c.       If you are using DotNet framework 2.0, then use the WatiN.core.dll under bin\net20 folder.
4.      Ensure that you have included “using WatiN.Core;” namespaceinorder to proceed testing with WatiN.
5.      Delete the UnitTest1.cs file which will be available under the test project.
6.      Create a new class (Right click on the newly created test project and select Add->Class..) and mark the class as public.
7.      Add the [TestClass] attribute to the new class.
a.      Ensure that you have included  the following namespace
“usingMicrosoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.unitTesting;” inorder to use the attributes like TestClass, TestMethod, TestInitialize, TestCleanup, etc.
8.      Compile.
9.      Create a private field in the test class of type Browser, say objBrowser.
10.  Create a test initialization method give it the [TestInitialize] attribute. We will use this method to create a new instance of the IE class, passing in the required URL to it, and assign it to the browser instance, say objBrowser (refer step 9).
11.  Create a test cleanup method and give it the [TestCleanup] attribute. We will use this method to execute the Close() method on our browser instance(objBrowser) and assign the field to null to assist with object disposal.
12.  Finally, create a test method and give it the [TestMethod] attribute. We will use this method to use our own logic to validate the code.
13.  Call the event using the Click() method inside the test method.
a.      Use the static methods like IsTrue(), AreEqual(), etc of Assert class to verify the conditions in the unit tests.
b.      Use Find.ById() or Find.ByName() method on the browser instance, say objBrowser to find any control to validate.
c.       Use of lambda expression can also be done to find the controls in the browser to validate them.


Below is a sample demo which validates the contents of the two text fields, say username and password whether they are equal or not on clicking the button called “Validate!”.  On clicking the validate button after the username and password fields are entered, the read only text field shows the status as “Success” if the above said criteria matches. Else it will show “Failure”. This is set at the Code behind file. The code is shown below.


using System;

publicpartialclassWebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
protectedvoidPage_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


protectedvoid btnValidate1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (txtUserName.Text == txtPassword.Text)
txtResult.Text = "Success";
txtResult.Text = "Failure";



TestingMyWebPage() method fills those two text fields, calls the event handler of button and writes all the username, password, and the status tried onto a file.

using System;
using System.IO;

privateFileStream fs1;

objBroswer = newIE("http://localhost:35261/MyFirstPage.aspx");

objBroswer = null;
List<string>listUsers = newList<string>() { "Cognizant", "Technology", "Solutions", "Chennai" };
List<string>listPass = newList<string>() { "Cognizant", "Chennai", "Solutions", "Hyderabad" };
                fs1 = newFileStream(@"D:\SuccessFile.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
sw = newStreamWriter(fs1);

for (int i = 0; i <listUsers.Count; i++)




sw.WriteLine(listUsers[i].ToString() + "\t" + listPass[i].ToString() + "\t" + objBroswer.TextField(Find.ByName("txtResult")).Text);

Assert.AreEqual("Success", objBroswer.TextField(Find.ByName("txtResult")).Text);

catch (Exception e)
catch (Exception e)



Contents of SuccessFile.txt:

Company        Company        Success
Technology    Chennai          Failure
Solutions        Solutions        Success
Chennai          Hyderabad     Failure

Example test methods for reference:

publicvoid TestForLogo() 
  Image myLogo; 
myLogo = browserInstance.Image(img =>img.Id == “logo”);  //use of lambda expression to find the image whose image id is “logo”
Assert.AreEqual("LogoDescription", myLogo.Alt); 

Assert.IsTrue(browser.ContainsText("AnyText"));// Checks whether the page contains “AnyText”
Assert.AreEqual(“arial, sans-serif”, browserInstance.Body.Style.FontFamily);  //Checks whether the style of the body matches arial, sans-serif.

Advantages of WatiN:

1.      WatiN executes test a bit faster than Visual studio coded UI test
2.      Custom defined test cases.
3.      Ability to test even the events generated from button click, etc.
4.      Easy to maintain the code since reference is taken based on the ID’s.
5.      Find elements by multiple attributes
6.      Handles popup dialogs like alert, confirm, login etc.
7.      Can be used with any .Net Language
8.      Supports AJAX website testing and HTML Dialogs

Disadvantages of WatiN:
1.       Time constraint in creating the test cases.

2.       Test cases can be written easily only with help of IE (IE tool).

Steps to perform Automated Unit Testing using NUnit

Automated Testing Using NUnit
Steps to be followed:

1.      Download NUnit fromwww.nunit.org
2.      Extract the zip file.
3.      Create a new “test project” and add a reference to the nunit.framework.dll file which is found under the folder \NUnit-2.6.2\bin\framework.
4.      Ensure that you have included “using nunit.framework;” namespace in order to proceed testing with NUnit.
5.      Delete the UnitTest1.cs file which will be available under the test project.
6.      Create a new class (Right click on the newly created test project and select Add->Class..) and mark the class as public.
7.      Add the [TestFixture] attribute to the new class which contains test methods and other variables.
8.      Add the [TestCase] attribute to the method which is contained inside the newly created class such that the method can be used for testing the functionality.
9.      Add the NUnit to the Visual Studio from ToolsàExternal Tools. A dialog box opens. Add title as NUnit. In the command box, add nunit.exe from \NUnit-2.6.2\bin\nunit.exe. Click Ok. NUnit is added to the external tools.
10.  Compile.
11.  Go to Tools in Visual Studio and click NUnit to open the nunit.
12.  Then Go to FileàOpen ProjectàMyDocumentsàVisual StudioàProjectsàYourTestProjectàDebugàBinàYourTestProject.dll.
13.  The Test Project created by you is loaded in the nunit with the functionalities you have written.
14.  Click “Run” button in the nunit window.
15.  If there is no error in the business logic, the progress bar in green color will appear indicating the test is passed successfully. Else, the progress bar with red color will appear indicating flaw in the method which is tested. 

Example for Simple TestCase of Addition and Subtraction:

public class TestClass
public void AddTest()
MathsHelper helper = new MathsHelper();
int result = helper.Add(20, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(30, result);

public void SubtractTest()
MathsHelper helper = new MathsHelper();
int result = helper.Subtract(20, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(10, result);                                            

In Program.cs:       

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public class MathsHelper
publicMathsHelper() { }
publicint Add(int a, int b)
int x = a + b;
return x;

publicint Subtract(int a, int b)
int x = a - b;
return x;


·         Tests can be conducted and repeated as often as may benecessary (reproducible)
·         the Unit Test tool enhances the quality of codes with ashort period and at lower development costs
·         can be automated
·         the defragmenting of the software in smaller modules andcomponents reduces its complexity


·         It does not offer the option to test for private membersas the TestCase category from which all tests in Nunitas derived lies in a separate test category
·         Tests must be written as codes in a file. Modification of these test suites requires programming knowledge.
·         NUnit can only analyse the business logic. However, Special frameworks that test GUI elements, such as NUnitASP and NUnitForms are available.
·         Nunit cannot be used in ASP.Net.

·         Tests can only highlight errors. They do not notify theinexistence of the same.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Experienced Resume Format

* <email id in color>        <Your Name>             ( +<countryCode> <mobile no>

Executive Summary

With <no> years of <IT/Mechanical/> experience in Development projects, my skill set includes, Configuration, Customization and Development experience in Banking and Finance Concepts include Securities Lending, Lending Corporate Actions, Problem Asset Management, Real Estate Management.

·         X Years of experience in software engineering
·         Presently engaged as Senior Engineer at XYZ Limited.
·         Previously engaged as Programmer  in ABC.
·      Areas of experience include analysis, coding, unit testing and maintenance
·  Effective Team Player and possess good logical skills suitable for development & maintenance
·         Excellent communication and presentation skills and Customer Oriented attitude

Academic Qualification

Passing Year
% Marks
< University>


<School 1>

<School 2>

Skill Set

  • Technical Languages

  • Operating Systems

  • Databases: 

  • Software Packages:  

  • Basic Hardware Knowledge.

Technical Expertise Summary



Frameworks/Web Technologies

Programming Languages


Software Engineering Methodologies / Tools/ Technologies

Operating Systems

Web Technologies


Contact Details
 Mobile No :         E-Mail : 

Relevant Project Experience

1.  Organization:   XYZ

Project 1: <Current Project Name>                                                   <month year> – till date

Operating System(s)

Team Size

<use above table for all previous project history>

Employment History

Joining date
 Till Date

Place:                                                                            Signature:
Date:                                                                             Name      : 
