Software Programming, Tutorials, Interview Preparations,Stock Market,BSE/NSE, General informations

Thursday, May 8, 2014


91. What is meant by Plug-in?
A hardware or software module that adds a specific feature or service to a larger
system. The idea is that the new component simply plugs in to the existing system. For
example, there are number of plug-ins for the Netscape Navigator browser that enable it to display different types of audio or video messages. Navigator plug-ins are based on MIME file types.
92. What do you mean by JDBC?
JDBC Part of the Java Development Kit which defines an application-programming
interface for Java for standard SQL access to databases from Java programs.
93. Define ODBC.
It is a standard for accessing different databse systems. There are interfaces for Visual
Basic, Visual C++, SQL and the ODBC driver pack contains drivers for the Access, Paradox,
dBase, Text, Excel and Btrieve databases.
94. List any two keyboard events?
1. onKeypress
2 .onKeyUp
3. onKeyDown
95. List any two mouse events?
l. onMouseUp
2. onMouseDown
3. onMouseOver
4. onClick
96. Define virtual organization.
The virtual organization is defined as being closely coupled upstream with its
suppliers and downstream with its customers such that where one begins and the other ends means little to those who manage the business processes within the entire organization.
97. List the major approaches to form virtual organization?
I. Downward networking: a large, vertically integrated company seeking to reduce its
overhead by outsourcing initiates it
2. Lateral Approach: It is observed in small, specialized firms that in the interest of
seeking strategic alliances, form partnerships along a value-added chain.
98. What do mean by search engine?
It is a program or web page that enables you to search an Internet site for a specific
keywords or words.
99. List the features of online shopping.
1.Make it easy for you to browse and purchase as much as possible from their
2.Products displayed from the online store are associated with links to detailed
descriptions of the products
3.You are able to compare the product to similar products based on the features and
4.It also brings you to the web sites of the product manufacturer for more
5.Shopping sites want you to have a personal account created before you shop their
site. The account typically provides the business with your name, address, e-mail, phone
number and possibly credit card numbers.
6.Some online shopping sites offer free samples. For example, online music stores
sometime have audio samplings of the CDs they sell
100. How do search engine work?
When you enter a keyword, the search engine examines its online database and
presents to you a listing of sites that, in theory , match your search criteria.
1)Explain the various methodologies by which you can retrieve data from Internet?
Internet Search Engine
Protocols used to retrieve the Data
i)FTP –Concepts
Commands &Semantics
Anonymous FTP
Network Virtual Treminal
Commands *Control Functions
Negotiable Options
iv)TFTP (16)
2)Explain about SGML?
Basic Principles
Concepts of Logical Markup
Components of SGML
Defining your own Tag sets
Defining The Attributes of elements (16)
3)What is meant by Scripting Language?Explain any one of the Scripting Languages?
Definition-To create Dynamic Web content.
Eg:VB Script & Java Script
Introduction about VB Script
Functions of VB Script
VB Script Execution Environment
Embeding VB Script in to HTML.
Objects & Events.
Manipulating VB Script Variables with Operators.
Functions & Procedures. (16)
4)Explain about <TABLE> &<FRAME> tags in Detail?
Code for Basic HTML Table
<TR>----------</TR> <!---Row1--->
<TR>----------</TR> <!---Row2-->
<TR>----------</TR> <!---Rowm-->
Creating a Table cell.
i)Header cell
ii)Data cell
Table Alifnment
i)Aligning the Entiere Table
ii)Alignment within a row.
ii) Alignment within a cell.
Spanning Multiple Rows & Columns
Creating the <FRAMESET> tag
Creating the <FRAME> tag
Eg:<FRAMESET Rows=”10%,80%,10%”>
<FRAME name=”top” src=”a.html”>
<FRAME name=”mid”src=”b.html”>
<FRAME name=”bot” src=”c.html”>
</FRAMESET> (16)
5)Discuss about various Client Server Technologies in Internet?
Introduction about Client/Server Model
Building Entities
i)Application Server
ii)Database Server
iii)Transaction Server
Various Client Server Model.
Archietecture of Web based Client Server.
6)Explain th econcept of ImageMaps by means of HTML?
Definitions for imagemaps.
To place an image on a map.
<IMG> tag
Attributes used
Concept of <ISMAP>-Server side Image Map
<USEMAP>-Client Side Image Map.
<MAP> ,<AREA> & attributes used.
7)Design a HTML Form for aRailwaay Reservation System?
<FOTRM METHOD=”Post” ACTION=http://server name/directory name/Script
<INPUT TYPE=”Text” Name=” first” MAXLENGTH=” 24”<BR>
<INPUT TYPE=”Text” Name=” add” MAXLENGTH=” 24”<BR>
<INPUT TYPE=”Text” Name=” city” MAXLENGTH=” 24”<BR>
<INPUT TYPE=”Text” Name=” state” MAXLENGTH=” 24”
ZIP: <INPUT TYPE=”Text” Name=” first” MAXLENGTH=” 24”<BR>
<INPUT TYPE=” submit” value=” reserve”></FORM>
8)Explain the various Specifics of SMTP Protocol?
Operational Scenario.
Command Semantics & Procedures
Forwaring of Messages.
Example of Forwarding (16)
9)Explain the concept of Session Tracking thyrough Srervlets?
Concept of Session Tracking
Coding &explanation.
Public void dopost(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res) throws
SrevletException ,IO Exception
//Get user‟s Session object
// Create session of (true) if one doesn‟t exist
HttpSession ses=req.getsession(true);
//add a value for user‟s choice to session
//send HTML page to client
output.close(); //close stream
Public void doget(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res) throws
SrevletException ,IO Exception
//Get user‟ s Session object
//Don‟ t Create session of (false) if one doesn‟ t exist
HttpSession ses=req.getasession (false);
//get name of session object value
//get value for each name in valuenames.
//close stream
} (16)
10) Explain E-Mail Messaging Model?
Definition for Messaging
Relation between Clients,E-mail servers & Intrenet
Building Blocks
i)User Agents
ii)Message Transfer Agents
i)Message Streams.
11)Explain how the following Operations are handled in PERL?
i)File Handling ii)database Handling iii)Cookies
i)<STDIN>-Perl defined File handle points to standard input device for reading
<STDOUT>- Perl defined File handle points to standard output device & writing
print” $line” ;
last if($line eq “quit” );
% data=$dbÆdataHash();
print “$data{“authid” },$data{“auth” };
name=value; expires=expdata;
use CGI qw/:standard
print “Name” ,”=” ,” $Name” ;expires=” $expires;
12)Explain the concept of working of a CGI?
Definition of Common Gateway Interface
CGI Script Structure,
Request Methods used
URL Encoding &Decoding

CGI Environmental Variables

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